TMPro Transponder Maker Pro Key Programming, Key Copying
Weight | 10.2240oz |
Type | Devices |

Transponder Maker Pro (also known as TMPro keymaker or TMPro2 keymaker) is a programmer and softwares for transponder key making, transponder key programming, transponder key copying and PIN code/ security code calculating. Programmer has to be connected to USB port of computer, it does not require external power supply. Main software user interface supports 14 languages – Bulgarian, English, French, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Serbian, Italian, Czech, Chinese, Greek, Turkish and Romanian. Programmer and all softwares are auto-updateable to latest version available on server.
TMPro are organized as modular softwares. At begining you can purchase TMPro programmer without any additional softwares and use it only with main software. In the future when job comes to your workshop you can very fast and easy add new softwares by simple software purchasing system.
Free functions of TMPro that comes with main software are:
- Reading and displaying important data of transponders, including but not limiting to serial number, secret key status, configurations, encoding mode etc…
- Reading mileage, VIN and manifacturer part number (where these are stored in key)
- Reading and writing of serial eeproms 93cXX, 24cXX, 25cXXX, 95cXXX, S29190, X5328, some Motorola 912/9S12, Microchip PIC18F252
- Reading Motorola HC805P18 (requires additional adapter)
- Unlocking of locked Megamos Crypto ID48 transponder
- Changing mileage in BMW CAS,FEM and BDC keys
TMPro2 works with immobilisers eeprom dumps. You must have electronic knowledges and to know how to use soldering-desoldering tools and memory devices programmers.It is your choice what programmer you will use for reading memory devices – TMPro2 memory device programmer or other progarmmer. In order to program transponder you have to remove immobox/BSI/UCH unit from car, open it, desolder memory device or solder wires on testpoints, and read it. Depending of vehicle memory device can be serial eeprom, Motorola MCU, Microchip PIC MCU, ST10F269 MCU, Texas Instruments MCU etc… Next step is to program transponder. Last step is to solder back memory device, reassemble immobox/BSI/UCH and fit back to car.
Working with TMPro2 is easy. You must have some electronic knowledges and equipment, like soldering iron, hot air gun, multimeter etc. Also you need to know which unit contains key data, and it`s location in vehicle. Remove unit from vehicle, open it and locate memory device. For some of units memory device is easy to be accessed, but for other it is not easy – you must cut a hole, dig a silicone etc.
When type of memory device is clear, you have to see how you can read/write it.
- For 70% of softwares reading and writing of memory devices can be done either by TMPro2 or by other programmer.
- For 5% of softwares reading and writing is mandatory to be made with TMPro2.
- For 25% of softwares for reading and writing of memory devices you must use other programmer.
Memory device depends on unit, that contains key data. Memory device can be:
- Serial eeprom. Supported are all 93cXX, 24cXX, 25/95cXXX, X5328, S29190, X24c01, 95p08.To read or write serial eeproms, you must desolder it from board and solder on TMPro2 eeprom adapter. On adapter there are sockets for 3 different types – DIL, SMD and SSOP.
- Motorola 912/9S12 not locked, ST10F269 or Moric. To read or write these MCU you have to use cable with 8 stripped wires. Solder wires according to connection diagram for particular software.
- Motorola HC805P18. To read or write this Motorola you must use TMPro2 Motorola HC805P18 adapter. Desolder MCU from immobox and solder it on adapter.
- Microchip PIC. To read or write Microchip PIC you must use TMPro2 PIC adapter. Solder wires according to connection diagram for particular software. To connect adapters to TMPro2 box you must use cable for adapters.
- Motorola HC05/HC908/HC11, Motorola 9S12 locked, flash chip, TMS370C702. To read or write these memory devices you have to use other programmer.
NOTE: Microchip PIC adapter, eeprom adapter, cable with 8 stripped wires and cable for adapters are included in basic set of TMPro2.
NOTE: Motorola HC805P18 adapter is not included in basic set of TMPro2. You can buy it along with basic set or at later time.
After all connections are done, you have to press on Select and read memory device button, select correct memory device and press OK to process with reading. After reading is done if you wish you can save file read for your archive.
In case for to read and write memory devices you use other programmer, then after memory device is read and file is saved by your programmer you have to load this file in TMPro2 by clicking on Open file button.
TMPro uses various types of transponders and keys.
In TMPro software,in information box below software picture you can find what transponder or key have to be used with particular software module.
Used types are:
– Sokymat Nova, also known as Silca T5 or JMA TP05
– Philips PCF 7935. You can use also Silca T15 or JMA TP14.
– All HITAG2,like Philips PCF 7936,7946,7947 etc… You can use also Silca T14 or JMA TP12.
– Sokymat Magic, also known as Megamos Crypto.You can use also Silca T6 or JMA TP08.
– JMA TPX1 or Errebi TX1
– JMA TPX2 or Errebi TX2
– Chinese CN1 or CN2 or CN5 or YS-01 or K-JMD.
– Texas DST, also known as Texas Crypto or Silca 4D-60 – JMA TP06/TP19
– JMA TPX3/TPX4 or Errebi TX4/TX4A.