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Magnus Key Shims For Black Widow Key Cutting Machine Set of 6 Pieces For Commercial Keys

Magnus Key Shims For Black Widow Key Cutting Machine Set of 6 Pieces For Commercial Keys-0 thumb

Magnus Key Shims For Black Widow Key Cutting Machine Set of 6 Pieces For Commercial Keys




Use these thin (0.5mm), plastic shims to help hold your commercial key blanks securely in your edge-cut jaws. Designed for the Triton S2, and Blitz 4-way jaws. Made of PLASTIC for the right amount of flexibility and to be safe for your cutters if they should ever meet. Sometimes a plain old flat shim or paperclip just won't cut it.


2x flat shim (black)
2x left groove shim (green)
2x right groove shim (blue)
a chain for those that want to keep them together